* Acugram is the graphic presentation of the energetic level in the various acupuncture channels.
* This test technique makes acupuncture treatment EASIER and MORE EFFECTIVE. Providing evidence-based exam data and acupuncture point selection, Acugram is like a lab test for acupuncture!
* WATCH in amazement as AcuGram instantly provides complete graphical analysis and interpretation of the patient’s meridian energetics and an analysis about yin/yang, 5-elements, horary, and complete symptomatic associations, in a format that makes it easy to be confident about the treatment and its results.
* This Acupuncture test not only tells the present energy disturbances in the Acupuncture channels and their related organs , but also a predictive tool to inform you about the future ailments.
* Whether you are healthy or sick , get yourself checked and be informed about your health status and future concerns.