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Aconitum Napellus

Abr - Aesc


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Southernwood. (Compositae.)

Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; lineteria. Marasmus of children with marked emaciation, especially of legs (Iod., Sanic., Tub.); the skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds (of neck, Nat. m., Sanic.). In marasmus head weak, cannot hold it up. (Aeth.). Marasmus of lower extremities only. Ravenous hunger; loosing flesh while eating well (Iod., Nat. m., Sanic., Tub.). Painful contractions of the limbs from cramps or following colic. Rheumatism; for the excessive pain before the swelling commences; from suddenly-checked diarrhoea or other secretions; alternates with haemorrhoids, with dysentery. Gout; joints stiff, swollen, with pricking sensation; wrists and ankle-joints painful and inflamed. Very lame and sore all over. Itching chilblains (Agar.). Great weakness and prostration and a kind of hectic fever with children; unable to stand. Child is ill-natured, irritable, cross and despondent; violent, inhuman, would like to do something cruel. Face old, pale, wrinkled (Op.).

Relationship: After Hepar in furuncle; after Acon. and Bry. in pleurisy, when pressing sensation remains in affected side impeding respiration.


Acetic Acid.
Glacial Acetic Acid. (CH3COOH.)

Adapted to pale lean persons with lax, flabby muscles; face pale, waxy (Fer.). Haemorrhage; from every mucous outlet, nose, throat, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus (Fer., Mill.); metrorrhagia; vicarious; traumatic epistaxis (Arn.). Marasmus and other wasting diseases of children (Abrot., Iod., Sanic., Tub.). Great prostration; after injuries (Sulph. ac.); after surgical shock; after anaesthetics. Thirst; intense, burning, insatiable even for large quantities in dropsy, diabetes, chronic diarrhoea; but no thirst in fever. Sour belching and vomiting of pregnancy, burning water-brash and profuse salivation, day and night (Lac. ac., salivation < at night, Mer. s.). Diarrhoea; copious, exhausting, great thirst; in dropsy, typhus, phthisis; with night sweats. True croup, hissing respiration, cough with inhalation (Spong.); last stages. Inhalation of vapor of cider vinegar has been successfully used in croup and malignant diphtheria. Cannot sleep lying on the back (sleeps better on back, Ars.); sensation of sinking in abdomen causing dyspnoea; rests better lying on belly (Am. c.). Hectic fever, skin dry and hot; red spot on left cheek and drenching night sweats.

Relationship: It antidotes anaesthetic vapors (Amyl.); fumes of charcoal and gas; Opium and Stramonium. Cider vinegar antidotes Carbolic acid. Follows well; after Cinchona, in haemorrhage; after Digitalis, in dropsy. It aggravates; the symptoms of Arn., Bell., Lach., Mer., especially the headache from Belladonna.



Aconitum Napellus.
Monkshood (Ranunculacea.)

It is generally indicated in acute or recent cases occurring in young persons, especially girls, of a full, plethoric habit who lead a sedentary life; persons easily affected by atmospheric changes; dark hair and eyes, rigid muscular fibre. Complaints caused by exposure to dry cold air, dry north or west winds, or exposure to draughts of cold air while in a perspiration; bad effects of checked perspiration. Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability; afraid to go out, to go into a crowd where there is any excitement or many people; to cross the street. The countenance is expressive of fear; the life is rendered miserable by fear; is sure his disease will prove fatal; predicts the day he will die; fear of death during pregnancy. Restless, anxious, does everything in great haste; must change position often; everything startles him. Pains; are intolerable, they drive him crazy; he becomes very restless; at night. Hahnemann says: "Whenever Aconite is chosen homeopathically, you must, above all, observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resembles them; the anguish of mind and body; the restlessness; the disquiet not to be allayed.". This mental anxiety, worry, fear accompanies the most trivial ailment. Music is unbearable, makes her sad (Sab., during menses, Nat. c.). On rising from a recumbent position the red face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes faint or giddy and falls, and fears to rise again; often accompanied by vanishing of sight and unconsciousness. Amenorrhoea in plethoric young girls; after fright, to prevent suppression of menses. For the congestive stage of inflammation before localization takes place. Fever; skin dry and hot; face red, or pale and red alternately; burning thirst for large quantities of cold water; intense nervous restlessness, tossing about in agony; becomes intolerable towards evening and on going to sleep. Convulsions; of teething children; heat, jerks and twitches of single muscles; child gnaws its fist, frets and screams; skink hot and dry; high fever. Cough, croup; dry, hoarse, suffocating, loud, rough, croaking; hard, ringing, whistling; on expiration (Caust. - on inhalation, Spong.); from dry, cold winds or drafts of air. Aconite should never be given simply to control the fever, never alternated with other drugs for that purpose. If it be a case requiring Aconite no other drug is needed; Aconite will cure the case. Unless indicated by the exciting cause, is nearly always injurious in first stages of typhoid fever.

Aggravation. Evening and night, pains are insupportable; in a warm room; when rising from bed; lying on affected side (Hep., Nux m.).

Amelioration. In the open air (Alum., Mag. c., Puls., Sab.).

Relationship: Complementary: to Coffea in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arnica in traumatism; to Sulphur in all cases. Rarely indicated in fevers which bring out eruptions. Aconite is the acute of Sulphur, and both precedes and follows it in acute inflammatory conditions.


Actaea Racemosa.
Black Cohosh (Ranunculaceae.)

Puerperal mania; thinks she is going crazy (compare, Syph.); tries to injure herself. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia. Sensation as if a heavy, black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head so that all is darkness and confusion. Illusion of a mouse running under her chair (Lac. c., Aeth.). Ciliary neuralgia; aching or sharp, darting, shooting pains in globes, extending to temples, vertex, occiput, orbit, < going up stairs, > lying down. Heart troubles from reflex symptoms of uterus or ovaries. Heart's action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation; palpitation from least motion (Dig.). Menses: irregular; exhausting (Alum., Coc.); delayed or suppressed by mental emotion, from cold, from fever; with chorea, hysteria or mania; increase of mental symptoms during. Spasms: hysterical or epileptic; reflex from uterine disease; worse during menses; chorea < left side. Severe left-sided infra-mammary pains (Ust.). Sharp, lancinating, electric-like pains in various parts, sympathetic with ovarian or uterine irritation; in uterine region, dart from side to side. Pregnancy: nausea; sleeplessness; false labor-like pains; sharp pains across abdomen; abortion at third month (Sab.). During labor: "shivers" in first stage; convulsions, from nervous excitement; rigid os; pains severe, spasmodic, tedious, < by least noise. After-pains, worse in the groins. When given during last month of pregnancy, shortens labor, if symptoms correspond (Caul., Puls.). Excessive muscular soreness, after dancing, skating, or other violent muscular exertion. Rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back; feel stiff, lame, contracted; spine sensitive, from using arms in sewing, type writing, piano playing (Agar., Ran. b.). Rheumatism affecting the bellies of the muscles; pains stitching, cramping. Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea.

Relationship: Similar: to, Caul., and Puls. in uterine and rheumatic affections; to, Agar., Lil., Sep.

Aggravation. During menstruation; the more profuse the flow the greater the suffering.


Aesculus Hippocastanum.
Horse Chestnut (Sapindaccae.)

For persons with haemorrhoidal tendencies, and who suffer with gastric, bilious or catarrhal troubles. Fullness in various parts, as from undue amount of blood; heart, lungs, stomach, brain, pelvis, skin. Venous congestion, especially portal and haemorrhoidal. Despondent, gloomy; very irritable; looses temper easily and gains control slowly; miserably cross (Cham.). Mucous membranes of mouth, throat, rectum are swollen, burn, feel dry and raw. Coryza; thin, watery, burning: rawness and sensitive to inhaled cold air. Follicular pharyngitis; violent burning, raw sensation in throat; dryness and roughness of throat. Frequent inclination to swallow, with burning, pricking, stinging and dry constricted fauces (Apis, Bell.). Rectum: dryness and heat of; feets as if full of small sticks; knife-like pains shoot up the rectum (Ign., Sulph.); haemorrhoids blind, painful, burning purplish; rarely bleeding. Rectum sore, with fullness, burning and itching (Sulph.). Constipation: hard, dry stool, difficult to pass; with dryness and heat of rectum; severe lumbo-sacral backache. Stool followed by fullness of rectum and intense pain in anus for hours (Aloe, Ign., Mur. ac., Sulph.). Prolapsus uteri and acrid, dark leucorrhoea, with lumbo-sacral backache and great fatigue, from walking. Severe dull backache in lumbo-sacral articulation; more or less constant; affecting sacrum and hips. Back "gives out" during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. Sensation of heaviness and lameness in back. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine.

Relationship: Similar: to, Aloe, Coll., Ign., Mur. ac., Nux, Sulph., in haemorrhoids. After Coll. had improved piles, Aesc often cures. Useful after Nux and Sulph. has improved, but failed to cure piles.

Aggravation. Motion; backache and soreness, by walking and stooping; inhaling cold air.


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Homeopathy Cures with care Acupuncture And Homeopathic Center Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi Homeopathy Cures with Care Acupuncture is a great pain relief In every child who is born, the potentiality of the human race is born again Women are too delicate for instrumental manipulation Sexual fitness is the index of health. Faisal Town, Lahore , Pakistan